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Ayukalp UAP Pharma
Manufacture & Exporter of Ayurvedic & Herbal medicine
Gastro Intestinal System
Acinorm Capsule
Indigestion and heartburn and related diseases are known as amlapitta in Ayurveda. This condition Is caused by the aggravation of pitta in the body.
Arshavin Capsule
Piles are a common probLem. Piles or hemorrhoids are areas In the anal canaL where the tissue, which contains Lots of blood vessels, has become swollen.
Gasend Capsule
Gasend Capsule is a unique herbaL digestive formula prepared from ayurvedic herbs heaving carminative, anti-flatulent and antacid properties
Acikalp Syrup
Acikalp Syrup can be of great help In curing this Acidity. AcikaLp syrup is an effective and safe herbal formulation which treats to neutralize increased acidic content in the body, which Leads to Loss of appetite and different problems.
Naturally Churna
Naturally churna is a well known herbal remedy for the treatment of constipation. It consists of herbs for constipation that helps to stimulate the activity of the digestive organs and facilitate easy movement of waste material out of the body.
Livodin Syrup
Livodin syrup Is a powerful remedy made from the finest rejuvenating herbal extracts. It re-stimulates the liver into producing more bile and revives dead cells.
Livodin Tablet
Livodin tablet is a powerful remedy made from the finest rejuvenating herbal extracts. It re-stimulates the liver into producing more bile and revives dead cells.
Drakso N zyme is natural enzyme syrup which is key factor in preventing chronic disease and extending the human lifespan. Drakso N zyme Stimulates body's natural supply of digestive enzymes.